ATTENTION MUMS! Do you have horrid memories from your dancing days, where all you can think about is your teacher screeching across the music and whacking your leg to turn out? (*queue nightmares* 😬) Flashbacks of the times when a hair out of place meant you were sent out of class or a step wrong …
ABOUT ME [FUTURE GEMS] Let me tell you a little story about me… I started dancing when I only a little girl, 3 years old and a budding ballerina at heart. I was obsessed with pink, kid high heels and dressing up as a princess. I couldn’t wait to twirl up on the stage in …
ABOUT US [FUTURE GEMS] You might not realise it, but every student that walks through our doors, every new enrolment, every kind word you send me… It gives me a burst of excitement, a burst of joy and I cherish every single one of them. This isn’t a company that is run by several people …
ABOUT US [FUTURE GEMS] After our first core value of Inclusiveness, comes our value of Friendships. Of course, this could not be possible without the dancer first feeling a part of the team and welcomed into our family, which is why it is super important we establish this first so that natural, organic friendships can …
ABOUT ME [FUTURE GEMS] When we teach, we are inclusive of EVERY single dancer. For us that means that every child is recognised and praised for things they have achieved. Every child gets a turn in the front row as they deserve to shine as much as anyone else. Every child is treated equally and …
ABOUT ME [FUTURE GEMS] The core of what we do at Future Gems is to build each child’s confidence not just so they can perform in front of others, but so they can truly feel comfortable in their own skin and embrace what they have to offer in life. This starts from using positive dialogue …
YOU’VE HEARD THE SHOWBIZ SAYING, “THE SHOW MUST GO ON!” SO…THIS IS HOW WE ARE GOING TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN We are determined to give our students & families a memorable ending to this very special dancing year. You certainly have all earned it! So, we have gotten creative and are thrilled to present 𝓡𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓡𝓮𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓭… …
Did you know, we offer specialised Kindy Dance Programs for children, that are designed to nourish their creative and social needs, without compromising their energy levels? As we know, starting big school can be a huge and often tiring step for children and in many cases parents are advised to cease all after school activities …
This is such a great question that I get asked often. Once you have finished your own dance training, there are numerous avenues to study and become a dance teacher, it depends where you see your career heading as to what option you choose to take. You can access certified training through many studios, colleges, …
Music is everywhere in our daily life and so babies and toddlers are often exposed to this at a very young age. The question is, how does it affect their early childhood development and furthermore impact their life, moving into the future? Music has more of an effect than you may know and most of …