You may notice when you get your first invoice, that there is something called a costume deposit fee on there and you think to yourself ‘I didn’t order a uniform or costume, why am I being charged for this?’ We get asked this question a lot, so we thought we would clear it up by writing …
So you’ve come along for your first dance class… They’ve been talking about it for weeks… Dancing to every song that comes on… And then suddenly when they get to class they freeze and decide they don’t want to join in and do it. Now as a parent you probably think “what is going on? …
Check out some of our little fairies enjoying the thrills of bubbles and ballet. Confidence can be achieved in so many ways through dance. It is sometimes that most basic of props used in dance classes that brings our little ones out of their shell and fully involved in dance classes. That is just the …
POINTE OF DIFFERENCE For years now, it has been proven that when a child enjoys what they are doing and have a positive experience with an activity, their learning is enhanced and they are able to learn at a quicker rate while reaping not only physical benefits, but also a positive mentality through gaining confidence …
Do you want your child to… Gain confidence? Find their passion? Build life long friendships? Gain a positive self-esteem? And most of all, HAVE FUN! If that sounds like you, then FUTURE GEMS CREATIVE DANCE is the perfect place for your little one to explore the art of movement, music whilst also developing their inner …
Common injuries and how to prevent them Dance, like many other sports, is physical and so there is the potential for injury. But don’t let that turn you off, because like with many other things, half the injuries incurred through dance can be prevented and should be prevented through careful safe dance practices implemented by …
Future Gems offers dance classes in the Hornsby, Wahroonga and Asquith areas of the Upper North Shore. New students have the opportunity to do a FREE week trial so they can try out our Hornsby Dance classes and see how they enjoy themselves. [click here] to view our dance class options and then get in …
Some may think that being a dance teacher is just about teaching children a genre of dance, maybe giving them some skills in coordination, flexibility and balance and possibly helping with their internal self esteem as well. Yes we may give them those skills but we give them so much more than that, and there’s …
Ever had those moments where you got to dance class only to realise you left your Jazz shoes at home, or are dying for water but forgot to fill one up? Or you may be a new dancing family and have no idea what you need to take with you to your first dancing lesson. …
WHAT TO EXPECT AT YOUR FIRST DANCE CLASS… A GUIDE TO HELP FIRST TIME DANCE MUMS AND DADS When you take your little one to a dance class for the first time, you as their parent can feel just as unsure and a little worried about what it is all about? What happens if …