Dance Teachers at Future Gems Creative Dance
I just wanted to quickly share with you, a little of my story and why I am so passionate about what I do…
I started dancing when I was 3 years old and I absolutely loved everything about it. At that time I was enrolled in Ballet classes and like most preschoolers I couldn’t wait till the day when I could twirl on stage in my pointe shoes, wearing a gorgeous tutu and feeling like a princess.
Now, I was born with a genetic condition that stopped normal range of motion in my toes and so from a young age I was told that I would never be able to go on pointe and that Ballet wasn’t the best choice for me… So after a couple of years, I got pulled out of dancing in the hope that I would take to another sport… Well, I didn’t!
Within a few years I was begging to get back into dance and this time took up every other style, plus Ballet. I was absolutely in LOVE with everything dance and was performing at every event I could go to, creating dances for myself and friends as well as entering into improvisation sections at eisteddfods. I started entering into my ballet exams and was super excited when I got my first pair of pointe shoes!
I had the most beautiful dance family that inspired me to love and appreciate dance. I was made to feel special, important and encouraged and I absolutely LOVED being a part of their inclusive dance family. Although I loved performing, it was clear at a very young age that my biggest dream and goal in life was to become a dance teacher and run my own studio.
Even in primary school I was seen creating timetables, coming up with new choreography, researching and brainstorming ideas for my dream dance studio. So you can imagine, when the opportunity came to start assisting dance classes, I was over the moon and was in my complete element.
I knew that the inclusive and nurturing dance class was the experience I wanted to deliver and after having many people tell me I couldn’t run my dream studio, it also became my mission to inspire children to dream and believe in their passion.
So here I am – sharing my passion and working to create the most amazing experience I can for my students. Their happiness, their joy and their confidence is so important to me and I can’t wait to see the beautiful journey they will go on.
Love In Dance,
Miss Tash xo