ABOUT ME [FUTURE GEMS] The core of what we do at Future Gems is to build each child’s confidence not just so they can perform in front of others, but so they can truly feel comfortable in their own skin and embrace what they have to offer in life. This starts from using positive dialogue …
Today I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know that what you do is absolutely amazing and you truly are a really special person being a mum, dad, auntie, uncle, grandparent… Now I don’t have kids myself, but I certainly see many kids and their parents every single week and I …
Starting at a new dance studio can be a nerveracking process and it can be hard to know whether one studio is a better fit for you and your child, over another studio. There are so many different options out there nowadays and they are all offering somewhat similar classes and styles. So how do you know which …
You all see what happens on the day… There is a buzz of energy, lots of excited dancers and for our end of year concert, lots of sparkles and colour…. But have you ever wondered, what goes on behind the scenes? Here we will take you through the prior preparation needed for a concert… There …