Wahroonga | Hornsby | Asquith Dance Studios

What to expect at your first dance lesson at Future Gems Hornsby & Wahroonga

Fun Competition Free Dance Classes for the Hornsby & Wahroonga areas

What to expect at your first dance lesson at Future Gems Hornsby & Wahroonga



When you take your little one to a dance class for the first time, you as their parent can feel just as unsure and a little worried about what it is all about? What happens if my child doesn’t participate? What if they cry? Will I get to stay in the room so they feel comfortable? Will they know how to do the steps???

Well I’m here to tell you that these feelings are completely normal! To help ease some of your worries, here is what you can expect when you bring your child to class for the first time at our Hornsby Dance Studios.

  1. When you arrive, you and your dancer will be greeted by the teacher: Initially the teacher will engage a conversation with your dancer, let them know their name and invite them to come into the class with us. We encourage you to stay in the class and watch so that they (and you) feel more at ease. Sometimes a new dancer may be a little unsure, and may not participate at first, and that’s okay and normal… We have a couple of special tactics we use to help children who have trouble separating from their parents, so don’t be worried if it does takes a couple of weeks for your child to participate and feel comfortable. It can sometimes be necessary for you to join in the class with us so that your dancer feels more comfortable. 
  1. The teacher and the children will all gather together: At the beginning of every class, the teacher and dancers will sit down together and have a little chat. They will talk about what we will be learning and the exciting things that are about to happen in class today.
  1. The structure of the class: For our younger classes, we start our lesson with a warm up in a circle so that we can encourage and engage with all of our dancers. After the warmup, we do some drama work to encourage our dancers to use expression and emotion while dancing, as well as storytelling and games. After this we learn travelling steps and specific dance technique on the barre. These steps are taught, revised and added to each week so that if new dancers join us, they are not at a disadvantage if they miss the first couple of classes. We then start putting our newly learnt steps together which eventually becomes our concert dance. At the end of the class we sit down again and discuss what they just learnt, what they need to practice and what exciting things we will be doing next week. We finish every class with a curtsey and thank you then children are led out to meet their parents.
  1. For our new families: At the end of the class, the teacher always likes to have a quick chat with you, just to answer any questions you may still have and to give you any further information you may need.

We hope your dancer enjoys their lesson – it really is a fun and positive experience for all…

Remember if you have any questions before your Hornsby Wahroonga free trial; please don’t hesitate to call Tash on 0468 99 44 88 or email dance@futuregems.com.au